Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Saturday 2nd May: A Very Special Day Out

After the excitement of the last few days I didn't think that anything more exciting could happen, but I was wrong! Today I went for a ride in Nanny's car with Nanny and Sophie and Sarah and the other girl (I think her name is Georgie). It was very strange because we stopped and only Sarah got out! Sophie told me that she was going to check a house for a lady who wanted to adopt a dog from the Oldies Club. While Sarah was gone, we went to visit some shops (and I was being held in a very weird thing. Sophie tells me it's called a backpack. It felt a bit weird but was dead comfy). A lot of people came over to me and stroked me and said I was very pretty.

We went to pick up Sarah and we went to walk along a thing called a beach! There was lots and lots of water and the air smelled all salty. Then we sat down and had some drinks (I got my lunch!!) and then we went to get some chips. I didn't know what "chips" were but Sophie sneaked me one under the table and now I know what chips are. DELICIOUS!

We walked back to the car and went to visit even MORE shops, where MORE people told me I was very cute and I only bit a couple of fingers so Nanny bought me a cool new toy.

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